The Word of God commands us to be a witness. It also tells us we must love one another as Christ loves us. Are you showing love to those you’re witnessing to every day? Have you reached out to the unlovable? Have you shared God’s Word to those you work with, pass by on the train or at the bus stop? Did you invite your neighbors? God is counting on each of us to do what He did. Will you be a follower of Jesus by doing what He did? He is our example. Are you exemplifying Christ in your living, conversation, and walk? What examples are you showing those who do not know Christ? This is something every believer should think about. Can you name THREE unsaved people you are sharing the gospel with? Will anyone be in heaven because you shared the gospel with them? If not, its time to get busy.
There are those who may not come to church but we can be the church by sharing our testimony about the saving power of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have many opportunities to share the gospel (the good news). We work with the unsaved, live in communities, and ride on the bus with them and even sleep with those who don’t know Jesus in the pardon of their sins. Don’t just be satisfied with your salvation. You should want to see others saved. Let’s covenant to lead at least 1 person to Christ before the end of 2019. LET’S MAKE IT HAPPEN!
“…And you shall be my witnesses.”